Yad Vashem Studies 35.1 (2007)

Yad Vashem Studies 35.1 (2007)

Edited by David Silberklang. Yad Vashem Studies is a peer review journal committed to a multi-faceted and thorough examination of all aspects of the Holocaust. This issue contains five main research articles, three of them focusing on different aspects of the Holocaust in Poland. In addition, it features three comprehensive book reviews, two of them concerning the Holocaust in Poland and in Czechia. Contents: Alina Skibinska/Jakub Petelewicz: The Participation of Poles in Crimes Against Jews in the Swietokrzyskie Region. - Jan Grabowski: Jewish Defendents in German and Polish Courts in the Warsaw District, 1939-1942. - Tomasz Kranz: Bookkeeping of Death and Prisoner Mortality at Majdanek. - Klaus-Michael Mallmann/Martin Cüppers: "Elimination of the Jewish National Home in Palestine". The Einsatzkommando of the Panzer Army Africa, 1942. - Kinga Frojimovics: Who Were They? Characteristics of the Religious Trends of Hungarian Jewry on the Eve of Their Extermination. 223 Seiten mit 17 Tab., broschiert (Yad Vashem Studies; Vol. 35.1/Yad Vashem. The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority/Wallstein Verlag 2007) Einband und Schnitt leicht angeschmutzt/cover and edges slightly soiled

Bestell-Nr.: 63125
Gewicht: 402 g
Sprache: Englisch
Sachgebiete: Geschichte und Kultur Osteuropas | Holocaust: Quellen und Forschungen | Holocaustforschung
ISBN: 9783835302860
Lieferzeit: 2-7 Tage*
statt 15,00 €
7,00 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

* Gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Lieferzeiten für alle anderen Länder finden Sie hier.
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