Paget, James Carleton: Jews, Christians and Jewish Christians in Antiquity
Der Band versammelt neun zwischen 1991 und 2007 verstreut erschienene und drei Originalbeiträge zu den frühen jüdisch-christlichen Beziehungen und der weiteren Entwicklung beider Religionen in den ersten Jahrhunderten. Ein einleitender Beitrag bietet einen Überblick über die zentralen Forschungskontroversen. - The book, which consists of nine previously published and three unpublished essays, examines a variety of issues relevant to the study of ancient Judaism and Christianity and their interaction, including polemic, proselytism, biblical interpretation, messianism, the phenomenon normally described as Jewish Christianity, and the fate of the Jewish community after the Bar Kokhba revolt, a period of considerable importance for the emergence not only of Judaism but also of Christianity. The volume, typically for a collection of essays, does not lay out a particular thesis. If anything binds the collection together, it is the author's attempt to set out the major fault lines in current debate about these disputed subjects, and in the process to reveal their complex and entangled character. Contents: 1. Anti-Judaism and early Christian identity (1997). - 2. Barnabas 9.4. A peculiar verse on circumcision (1991). - 3. Clement of Alexandria and the Jews (1998). - 4. Messianism and resistance amongst Jews and Christians in Egypt (2007). - 5. Jews and Christians in ancient Alexandria. From the Ptolemies to Caracalla (2004). - 6. Jewish proselytism at the time of Christian origins. Chimera or reality? (1996). - 7. Some observations on Josephus and Christianity (2001). - 8. The Four among the Jews (2005). - 9. The definiton of the term 'Jewish Christian'/'Jewish Christianity' in the history of research (2007). - 10. The Ebionites in recent research. - 11. The enigma of the second century. - 12. 'Pseudo-Clementine Homilies' 4-6. Rare evidence of a Jewish literary source from the second century C.E.? XV,538 Seiten, Leinen (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament; Vol. 251/Mohr Siebeck 2010)