The Soundtrack of Conflict

The Soundtrack of Conflict

The Role of Music in Radio Broadcasting in Wartime and in Conflict Situations. Edited by M. J. Grant and Férdia J. Stone-Davis. 15 Fallstudien (alle in englischer Sprache) beleuchten die zentrale Rolle, die Musik im Radio in gesellschaftlichen Konflikten spielen kann. An Beispielen aus über 80 Jahren und von fünf Kontinenten zeigen sie, dass Musik nicht bloß ein Soundtrack zum Konfliktgeschehen ist, sondern die Dynamik von Konflikten maßgeblich mitbestimmen kann. The essays in the volume offer case studies spanning over eighty years and five continents. They explore the many important roles that music broadcast on radio can play in wartime and in conflict situations – as a means of information (and misinformation), as a communication medium by those separated by and yet connected through the fighting, and as an aid to managing the complex emotions that are experienced. Moreover, the essays demonstrate that music is not just a soundtrack to conflict, but can also influence the very course that a conflict takes. 15 essays by Inna Klause, Mauro Fosco Bertola, Karine le Bail, Katherine A. Baber, Elli Charamis, Vlasis Vlasidis, Peter Schimpf, Sekibakiba Peter Lekgoathi, Chen-Ching Cheng, Ruth Finnegan, Pradeep N' Weerasinghe, Paul Richards, Oluwafemi Alexander Ladapo, James Parker and Beau Bothwell. Contents: M. J. Grant and Ferdia J. Stone-Davis: Introduction. - Inna Klause: Music in Radio Broadcasts in the Gulag. - Mauro Fosco Bertola: Defining a European 'New Order' through Music: Ancient Music in Italian Radio Broadcasting during the Fascist Period. - Karine le Bail: Music on the Airwaves in Occupied France. - Katherine A. Baber: Jazz, World War II Radio Propaganda and the Case of Tokyo Rose. - Elli Charamis: Music in Greek Radio Broadcasting in Wartime (1940-1950). Complicity and Resistance. - Vlasis Vlasidis: Propaganda and Music: Greek and Yugoslav Public Radio in the 1940s and 1950s. - Peter Schimpf: Henry Cowell and the Development of Iranian State Radio for the United States Information Agency. - Sekibakiba Peter Lekgoathi: Radio Freedom, Songs of Freedom and the Liberation Struggle in South Africa (1963-1991). - Chen-Ching Cheng: The Free Voice of China. Pirate Radio Broadcasts of Teresa Teng from Taiwan and Hong Kong during the Cold War in Asia. - Ruth Finnegan: Integration or Separation? A Story of Radio and Music in Fiji. - Pradeep N' Weerasinghe: Radio and Music in the Last Months of the Eelam War in Sri Lanka. - Paul Richards: Broadcasting and the Musicology of War: The Case of Sierra Leone. - Oluwafemi Alexander Ladapo: Martial Music at Dawn. Introit for Coups d'État. - James Parker: The Musicology of Justice. Simon Bikindi and Incitement to Genocide at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. - Beau Bothwell: Sonic Consumerism and Audience Manufacture in US Music Broadcasts to the Middle East. 253 Seiten, broschiert (Göttingen Studies in Musicology/Göttinger Studien zur Musikwissenschaft; Vol. 4/Olms Verlag 2013)

Bestell-Nr.: 933147
Gewicht: 502 g
Sprache: Englisch
Sachgebiete: Publizistik, Medienwissenschaften | Musik im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert/Neue Musik | Jazz, Popmusik
ISBN: 9783487150598
Lieferzeit: 2-7 Tage*
statt 35,00 €
10,00 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

* Gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Lieferzeiten für alle anderen Länder finden Sie hier.
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