Greek and Medieval Studies in Honor of Leo Sweeney, S.J
Edited by William J. Carroll and John J. Furlong. 17 Aufsätze - alle in englischer Sprache - behandeln bedeutende (religions-)philosophische Denker, gegliedert in drei Kapitel: Plato, Plotin und Neoplatonismus; Aristoteles und Thomas von Aquin; Frühchristliche und mittelalterliche Autoren. This book brings together contributions of leading scholars in Greek and Medieval thought. The list of thinkers examined includes Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Pseudo-Dionysius, Gregory of Nyssa, Anselm, Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, Henry of Harclay, William of Auvergne, Paulus Soncinas and William of Alnwick. Contents: PART ONE: On Plato, Plotinus and Neo-Platonism: Arthur Madigan: "Philebus" 15B 1-8: A Suggestion. - Hermann Schibli: The Lost Self In Plotinus. - Kevin Corrigan: Ecstasy And Ectasy In Some Early Pagan And Christian Mystical Writings. - Curtis Hancock: "Energeia" In Two Selected Treatises Of Plotinus' "Enneads": 11,5 (25) And VI, 2 (43): A Reaction To Plato And Aristotle. - Denis O'Brien: Plotinus On Matter. - William J. Carroll: Participation: The Link To The Divine In Pseudo-Dionysius The Areopagite. - PART TWO: On Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas: D. T. Asselin: Happiness: The Final And Self-Sufficient Human Good In The "Nichomachean Ethics". - Maurice Holloway: St Thomas' Doctrine On Usury. - Judith Barad: A Tension In Aquinas' Accounts Between The Ontological And Ethical Status Of Animals. - Henry B. Veatch: A Possible Mis-Step In The Articulation Of The Grifinnboyle Moral Philosophy. - Joseph Pappin III: Reflections On Augustine, Aquinas And The Incomprehensibility of God. - PART THREE: On Early Christian and Medieval Authors: Thomas Losoncy: Chapter 1 Of St. Anselm's "Proslogion": Its Preliminaries To Proving God's Existence As Paradigmatic For Subsequent Proofs Of God’s Existence. - Francis Catania: Albert The Great On Divine Infinity: A Reply To Francis Kovach. - Norman Wells: Soncinas On Essence And Existence. - Roland J. Teske: William of Auvergne's Rejection Of The Agent Intellect. - Mark G. Henninger: Henry Of Harclay's "Quaestio" On Relations In His "Sentences" Commentary: An Edition. - Allan B. Wolter: Alnwick On Scotus And Divine Concurrence. - PART FOUR: Bibliography by Roman Ciapalo. XXVIII,302 Seiten, gebunden (Peter Lang Verlag 1994) Mängelexemplar/near mint