Early British Romanticism, the Frankfurt School, and French Post-Structuralism

Beran, David: Early British Romanticism, the Frankfurt School, and French Post-Structuralism

In the Wake of Failed Revolution. Early British Romanticism as it developed in relationship to the French Revolution is introduced, then compared to the Frankfurt School as it arose in response to Communist revolution and French Post-Structuralism as it took shape in the 1960s. By establishing the early British Romantics' relationship to the French Revolution as the paradigm for the subsequent discussions of the Frankfurt School and French Post-Structuralism, this book provides a perspective from which some of the similarities and points of intersection between these movements/schools-of-thought (in regard to the Enlightenment, failed revolution, aesthetic theory, etc.) can be seen more clearly. 207 Seiten, gebunden (Studies on Themes and Motifs in Literature; Vol. 53/Peter Lang Verlag 2001) Mängelexemplar/near mint

Bestell-Nr.: 35347
Gewicht: 424 g
Sprache: Englisch
Sachgebiete: Philosophie des 18. Jahrhunderts/Aufklärung | Allg. u. vergleich. Literaturwissenschaft
ISBN: 9780820445304
Lieferzeit: 2-7 Tage*
statt 59,95 €
14,95 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

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