Early Iron Age Gold in Celtic Europe
Society, Technology and Archaeometry. Proceedings of the International Congress held in Toulouse, France, 11-14 March 2015. Edited by Roland Schwab, Pierre-Yves Milcent, Barbara Armbruster and Ernst Pernicka. 19 papers (13 english, six french) address the manifold cases and aspects of gold finds and their reserach history. - The contributions deal with 150 years of research, the gold of the Hallstatt Culture, gold finds in the National Museum at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, material sciences applied to West Hallstatt gold, typology, technology, and analyses of Hallstatt gold in France and Western Switzerland, technology and material analyses of Hallstatt gold from South-West Germany, annular gold ornaments and their decoration, the jewellery from Lazenay, Early La Tène art and Mediterranean iconography, golden rings and earrings from Alsace, gold from Western Swiss graves such as Payerne, technology, chronology, and social meaning of Iron Age gold in North-Western Iberia, Iron Age gold workshops in South-West Iberia, e. g. at Vaiamonte, Iron Age gold on the Eastern Iberian Peninsula, the hoard of gold discs from Fortios in Portugal, Iron Age gold in Belgium and the Southern Netherlands as well as in Britain, the hoard of gold torques from Blair Drummond and its significance for regional styles and international connections in the Later Iron Age, and with Villanovan fibulae in bronze, gold, bone, and amber. Including contributions by Laurent Olivier, Pierre-Yves Milcent, Maryse Blet-Lemarquand, Henrique da Mota, Bernard Gratuze, Verena Leusch, Roland Schwab, Émilie Dubreucq, Maryse Blet-Lemarquand, Barbara Armbruster, Birgit Schorer, Martin Guggisberg, Suzanne Plouin, Gilbert Kaenel, Xosé-Lois Armada, Oscar Garcia-Vuelta, Virgilio Hipólito Correia, Alicia Perea, Raquel Vilaça, Eugène Warmenbol, Susan La Niece, Julia Farley, Nigel Meeks, Jody Joy, Fraser Hunter and Alessandro Pacini. 445 Seiten mit 321 überwiegend farbigen Abb., Großformat, gebunden (Forschungen zur Archäometrie und Altertumswissenschaft; Band 6.1/Verlag Marie Leidorf 2018) leichte Lagerspuren/minor shelfwear