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Second Chance

Second Chance

Two Centuries of German-speaking Jews in the United Kingdom. Co-ordinating Editor: Werner E. Mosse. Editors: Julius Carlebach, Gerhard Hirschfeld, Aubrey Newman, Arnold Paucker, Peter Pulzer. This volume systematically attempts to evaluate the German-Jewish experience in Britain since the late 1700s. It covers the process of migration, including the legal and administrative problems that needed to be overcome, the patterns of settlement, the difficulties of adaption and the two-way process of integration. The 35 essays in this collection show both what the newcomers received from British society and what they were able to contribute. In attempting to draw up a balance sheet, the evidence suggests that for both parties the movement to Britain of German-speaking Jews was an advantageous bargain neither side had cause to regret. Contents: Emigration and Reception: P. Pulzer: Foreigners. The Immigrant in Britain. - C. Holmes: Immigrants and Refugees in Britain. - A. Newman: German Jews in Britain. A Prologue. - T. M. Endelman: German-Jewish Settlement in Victorian England. - D. Niederland: Areas of Departure from Nazi Germany and the Social Structure of the Emigrants. - B. Moore: Areas of Reception in the United Kingdom. 1933-1945. - H. A. Strauss: Jewish Emigration in the Nazi Period. Some Aspects of Acculturation. -- Social and Cultural Impact: M. G. Ash: Central European Emigré Psychologists and Psychoanalysts in the United Kingdom. - A. Söllner: In Transit to America. Political Scientists from Germany in Great Britain after 1933. - R. Livingstone: The Contribution of German-speaking Jewish Refugees to German Studies in Britain. - C. Hoffmann: The Contribution of German-speaking Jewish Immigrants to British Historiography. - R. Muhs: Jews of German Background in British Politics. - U. Westphal: German, Czech and Austrian Jews in English Publishing. - P. Alter: German-speaking Jews as Patrons of the Arts and Sciences in Edwardian England. - K. Lipstein: The Contribution to Law by German-Jewish Refugees in the United Kingdom. - P. K. Hoch: Some Contributions to Physics by German-Jewish Emigrés in Britain and Elsewhere. - P. Weindling: The Contribution of Central European Jews to Medical Science and Practice in Britain, the 1930s to 1950s. - P. Lasko: The Impact of German-speaking Refugees in Britain on the Fine Arts. - E. Levi: The German-Jewish Contribution to Musical Life in Britain. - G. Berghaus: The Emigrés from Nazi Germany and their Contribution to the British Theatrical Scene. - P. Paucker: The Image of the German Jew in English Fiction. - S. D. Chapman: Merchants and Bankers from Germany in Britain. - W. Mock: Engineers from Germany in Exile in Britain, 1933-1945. - H. Pollins: German Jews in British Industry. - H. Loebl: Refugees from the Third Reich and Industry in the Depressed Areas of Britain. - J. Carlebach: The Impact of German Jews on Anglo-Jewry-Orthodoxy, 1850-1950. - A. H. Friedlander: The German Influence on Progressive Judaism in Great Britain. - R. Loewe: The Contribution of German-Jewish Scholars to Jewish Studies in the United Kingdom. -- Paths to Acceptance: J. P. Fox: British Attitudes to Jewish Refugees from Central and Eastern Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries. - L. London: British Immigration Control Procedures and Jewish Refugees, 1933-1939. - V. D. Lipman: Anglo-Jewish Attitudes to the Refugees from Central Europe, 1933-1939. - J. Davidson: German-Jewish Women in England. - T. Kushner: An Alien Occupation. Jewish Refugees and Domestic Service in Britain, 1933-1948. - R. Stent: Jewish Refugee Organisations. - G. Hirschfeld: British Non-Jewish Organisations in Support of Refugees. - W. E. Mosse: To Give and to Take. A Balance Sheet. XIII,654 Seiten mit 19 Tab. sowie 17 Tafeln, Leinen (Schriftenreihe wissenschaftlicher Abhandlungen des Leo Baeck Instituts; Vol. 48/Mohr Siebeck 1991)

Bestell-Nr.: 24356
Gewicht: 1,19 kg
Sprache: Englisch
Sachgebiete: Studien zum lokalen und regionalem Judentum | Judentum in der Neuzeit | Judentum im 19. Jahrhundert
ISBN: 9783161457418
Lieferzeit: 2-7 Tage*
statt 89,00 €
39,00 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

* Gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Lieferzeiten für alle anderen Länder finden Sie hier.
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