Winteraktion 2025: Über 370 Titel 90 % reduziert – nur bis 26. Januar 2025
Common Sense and Improvement

Diamond, Peter J.: Common Sense and Improvement

Thomas Reid as Social Theorist. This book provides a comprehensive account of Thomas Reid's social thought. Although he is increasingly seen as a central figure in the Scottish Enlightenment, there is still a tendency among historians to view Reid principally as David Hume's chief critic. By relating Reid's writings to their contemporary social and intellectual contexts, Peter Diamond seeks to qualify this traditional image. He argues that in fact Reid understood himself to be engaged in the Humean project of rendering the study of man systematic and improvable, by ascertaining the laws of human nature. Diamond also demonstrates that Reid's well-known appeal to the principles of common sense was not just a metaphysical response to Humean skepticism; it was also a rhetorical attempt to teach men to live virtuously in an emerging commercial society. 406 Seiten, broschiert (Scottish Studies International; Vol. 24/Peter Lang Verlag 1998) Mängelexemplar

Bestell-Nr.: 24315
Gewicht: 532 g
Sprache: Englisch
Sachgebiete: Politische Theorie | Philosophie des 18. Jahrhunderts/Aufklärung
ISBN: 9783631335529
Lieferzeit: 2-7 Tage*
statt 79,95 €
19,95 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

* Gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Lieferzeiten für alle anderen Länder finden Sie hier.
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