Foreigners in Early Medieval Europe
Thirteen International Studies on Early Medieval Mobility. Edited by Dieter Quast. Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Forschungsinstitut für Vor- und Frühgeschichte. With contributions by Horst Wolfgang Böhme, Luis A. García Moreno, Karen Høilund Nielsen, Antonel Jepure, Christina Katsougiannopoulou, Michel Kazanski/Patrick Périn, Egge Knol, Anna Lampropoulou, John Ljungkvist, Dieter Quast, Matej Ruttkay, László Schilling and Tivadar Vida. 13 Beiträge, alle in englischer Sprache. Forscherinnen und Forscher aus zehn Staaten und mit unterschiedlichen Ansätzen loten die archäologischen Nachweismöglichkeiten von Migrationen und Akkulturationsprozessen im frühmittelalterlichen Europa im internationalen Vergleich aus. Ausgangspunkt sind die sogenannten »fremden« Gräber von Skandinavien bis Nordafrika. Die regional stark differierende Quellenlage führt zu sehr unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen. - The fusion of different cultures into new communities is not just a phenomenon of the 20th and 21st centuries, but has been going on since prehistory. Especially the transition from Antiquity to the Middle Ages was an era in which the migrations of steppenomad and Germanic warrior groups with their families had caused changes in wide parts of Europe. In this volume, thirteen studies from different European countries demonstrate diverse perspectives and varying scientific traditions of approaching a theme like »Foreigners in Early Medieval Europe«. These studies highlight different aspects of mobility and exchange, but all are based on contracts between people and groups of people. Studies of straightforward imports, art styles and the history of colonisation or simply new interpretations of »common knowledge« offer new insights. Inhalt: Dieter Quast: Communication, Migration, Mobility and Trade. Explanatory Models for Exchange Processes from the Roman Iron Age to the Viking Age. - John Ljungkvist: Continental Imports to Scandinavia. Patterns and Changes between AD 400 and 800. - Karen Høilund Nielsen: The Real Thing or Just Wannabes? Scandinavian-Style Brooches in the fifth and sixth Centuries. - Egge Knol: Anglo-Saxon Migration Reflected in Cemeteries in the Northern Netherlands. - Horst Wolfgang Böhme: Migrants' Fortunes: the Integration of Germanic Peoples in Late Antique Gaul. - Michel Kazanski/Patrick Périn: »Foreign« Objects in the Merovingian Cemeteries of Northern Gaul. - Luis A. Garcia Moreno: Gothic Immigrants in Spain. Researching the History of a Nobility. - Antonel Jepure: Researching Gothic Immigrants in Spain. An Archaeological Dilemma. - Anna Lambropoulou: The Presence of Slavs in the Western Peloponnese during the 7th and 8th Centuries: New Archaeological Evidence. - Christina Katsougiannopoulou: The Slavic Bow Brooches in Greece Revisited. Some Remarks on Ethnicity and Social Status. - Tivadar Vida: Local or Foreign Romans? The Problem of the Late Antique Population of the 6th-7th Centuries AD in Pannonia. - László Schilling: An Avar-Period Germanic Brooch from Tác-Fövenypuszta. - Matej Ruttkay: The North of the Carpathian Basin in the 5th and 6th Centuries AD. VIII,295 Seiten mit 147 Farb- und s/w-Abb. und Karten und 8 Tab., Großformat, gebunden (Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums; Band 78/Schnell+Steiner/Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums 2009)