Law, William: The Works
The works of the reverend William Law, M.A., sometime fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, in nine volumes. Edited by G. B. [George Blacker] Moreton. Reprint der Ausgaben Brockenhurst und Canterbury 1892/1893. Nine volumes in three. Mit einer bibliographischen Notiz von Bernhard Fabian. Aus dem Inhalt: Vol. I: Three letters to the Bishop of Bangor. - Vol. II: Remarks upon a late book, entitled "The fable of the bees" &c. - The case of reason, or natural religion, fairly and fully stated, &c. - The absolute unlawfulness of stageentertainments fully demonstrated. - Vol. III: A practical treatise upon Christian perfection. - Vol. IV: A serious call to a devout and holy life, adapted to the state and condition of all orders of Christians. - Vol. V: A demonstration of the gross and fundamental errors of a late book, called A plain account of the nature and end of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, & c. - The grounds and reasons of Christian regeneration. - Vol. VI: An earnest and serious answer to Dr. Trapp's discourse of the folly, sin and danger of being righteous over-much. - An appeal to all that doubt, or disbelieve the truths of the Gospel. - Vol. VII: The spirit of prayer, or the soul rising out of the vanity of time, into the riches of eternity. In two parts. - The way to divine knowledge; being several dialogues between Humanus, Academicus, Rusticus and Theophilus. - Vol. VIII: The spirit of love. - A short confutation of Dr. Warburton's defence. - Of justification by faith and works. - Vol. IX: An humble, earnest, and affectionate address to the clergy. - A collection of letters on the most interesting and important subjects. - Letters to a lady inclined to enter into the Communion of the Church of Rome. Neun Bände in drei Bänden, zus. XXXIV,2.076 Seiten, Leinen (Anglistica & Americana; Band 146/Olms Verlag 1974) leichte Lagerspuren/minor shelfwear
Weitere Bücher von William Law
The Works. Volume 2 (= Vol. IV, V, VI der Ausgabe 1893)The Works. Volume 3 (= Vol. VII, VIII, IX der Ausgabe 1893)