The Verb in Mäsqan as Compared with other Gurage Dialects

Leslau, Wolf: The Verb in Mäsqan as Compared with other Gurage Dialects

Gurage has twelve dialects that can be divided in East Gurage (Selti, Wolane and Zway) West Gurage (Caha, Endegen, Ennemor, Eza and Gyeto) and North Gurage (Soddo). The categorization of three further Gurage dialects (Muher, Mäsqan and Gogot) remains to be investigated. The present studies aims to shed light on the categorization of Mäsqan, a Gurage dialect spoken in the region of Buttagira, about 80 miles south from Addis Abäba. In order to find out more about the character of Mäsqan, Leslau compares it to other Gurage dialects and concludes that regarding the verb an affinity to the East Gurage dialects can be stated. XVIII,193 Seiten mit einer Karte, Leinen (Aethiopistische Forschungen; Band 63/Harrassowitz Verlag 2004)

Bestell-Nr.: 8786
Gewicht: 502 g
Sprache: Englisch
Sachgebiet: Äthiopistik - Nubica
ISBN: 9783447049054
Lieferzeit: 2-7 Tage*
statt 58,00 €
18,00 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

* Gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Lieferzeiten für alle anderen Länder finden Sie hier.
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Weitere Bücher von Wolf Leslau

Gurage Studies
Zway Ethiopic Documents

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