John Macmurray

John Macmurray

Critical Perspectives. Edited by David Fergusson and Nigel Dower. This volume comprises a multidisciplinary study of the work of the Scottish philosopher. Macmurray held university posts in London and Edinburgh and exercised a wide influence through his many writings and BBC radio broadcasts. The essays in this collection are from a range of international scholars in the humanities and social sciences. In addition to a biographical introduction, they cover themes in philosophy, religion, political theory, psychology, and ethics. A comprehensive bibliography of Macmurray’s publications is also included. VI,287 Seiten, gebunden (Peter Lang Verlag 2002) Mängelexemplar/near mint

Bestell-Nr.: 56481
Gewicht: 535 g
Sprache: Englisch
Sachgebiet: Philosophie des 20./21. Jahrhunderts
ISBN: 9780820452647
Lieferzeit: 2-7 Tage*
statt 66,95 €
16,95 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

* Gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Lieferzeiten für alle anderen Länder finden Sie hier.
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