Democracy in Nigeria

Onwukike, Uche Felix: Democracy in Nigeria

Its Anthropological and Social Requirements. Democracy is much more than a system of government. It is also, and above all, a way of life. To build a sustainable democracy, Nigeria - a country very rich in natural and human resources but unfortunately battered by lack of unity, poor leadership and management, inadequate socio-economic structures and services, lack of social justice and security, corruption and indiscipline - must not only have the democratic principles and institutions in place, its people must also cultivate the democratic virtues and its leaders must be responsible and accountable. Moreover, the dignity and development of the human person, as well as the common good, must form the basis of all its political, social and economic decisions, structures and developments. 359 Seiten, broschiert (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe XXIII: Theologie; Band 608/Peter Lang Verlag 1997) Mängelexemplar

Bestell-Nr.: 45409
Gewicht: 459 g
Sprache: Englisch
Sachgebiete: Neuere Geschichte, übergreifende Darstellungen | Politikwissenschaft | Politische Theorie
ISBN: 9783631321430
Lieferzeit: 2-7 Tage*
statt 72,95 €
16,95 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

* Gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Lieferzeiten für alle anderen Länder finden Sie hier.
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