Culture as Mediation

González, Ana Marta: Culture as Mediation

Kant on Nature, Culture, and Morality. Die englischsprachige Studie analysiert Kants Begriff von "Kultur" und zeigt, dass seinem zweifachen Verständnis von Kultur aus der Perspektive der Natur und der Moral ein Kulturbegriff im Sinne einer "Projektion der menschlichen Subjektivität" zugrunde liegt. This book attempts a conceptual clarification of Kant’s approach to culture, given the lack of systematic study of this aspect of his thought. At its origin there was only a thematic interest in the manifold meanings of the term “culture”, as well as the underlying persuasion that Kant’s moral philosophy could provide us with a systematic framework to understand the increasing relevance of “culture” in modern thought. Specifically, the hypothesis was that the emergence of culture as a relatively autonomous realm was implied in Kant’s refusal to let nature play a role in the constitution of the moral norm, and his requirement that the moral norm be defined through pure reason alone. As a result, culture would appear as a middle terrain: being neither empirical nature nor pure morality. Accordingly, culture can be approached either from the perspective of nature, or from the perspective of morality. Both approaches represent what can be termed “Kant’s explicit account of culture”. Behind this explicit, two-fold account of culture, however, an implicit account of culture in terms of “projection of man’s subjectivity” can be discovered. This latter account, itself a consequence of the critical enterprise, constitutes Kant’s most original contribution to the philosophy of culture. 361 Seiten, broschiert (Reason and Normativity; Band 3/Olms Verlag 2011)

Bestell-Nr.: 283709
Gewicht: 523 g
Sprache: Englisch
Sachgebiet: Studien zu weiteren Einzelthemen in Kants Werken
ISBN: 9783487145532
Lieferzeit: 2-7 Tage*
statt 39,80 €
9,80 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

* Gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Lieferzeiten für alle anderen Länder finden Sie hier.
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