Transitions to Empire
Essays in Greco-Roman History, 360-146 B.C., in Honor of E. Badian. Edited by Robert W. Wallace and Edward M. Harris. During the period 360-146 B.C., the Greco-Roman world underwent the transition from independent city states and small regional powers to the large and potent empires of the Hellenistic age. The 21 essays in this volume consider various aspects of this central political transformation. The contributors to the volume are students or close working colleagues of Ernst Badian, perhaps the greatest living authority on the period under discussion. Included in the volume is a complete bibliography of Badian's publications. The broadly based yet coherent theme - the momentous changes in systems of power and authority in the ancient Mediterranean world - makes Transitions to Empire an important contribution to Greco-Roman scholarship and a fitting tribute to a scholar whose work has had such a far-reaching influence on the field of ancient history. In this volume: Part I: Peter Green: The Metamorphosis of the Barbarian; - V: Philip II and Argaios; - Edward M. Harris: Demosthenes and the Theoric Fund; - John Buckler: Philip Il's Designs on Greece; - George Cawkwell: The End of Greek Liberty; - Eugene N. Borza: Greeks and Macedonians in the Age of Alexander; - A. B. Bosworth: Alexander, Euripides, and Dionysos; William M. Calder III: The Seuthopolis Inscription; - Thomas R. Martin: Adeimantos of Lampsakos and Demetrios Poliorketes' Fraudulent Peace of 302 B.C.; - Part II: Mogens Herman Hansen: Aristotle's Two Complementary Views of the Greek Polis," ; Mortimer Chambers: The Athenaion Politeia after a Century; - Robert W. Wallace: Book Burning in Ancient Athens; - Sarah B. Pomeroy: Families in Ptolemaic Egypt; - Erich S. Gruen: The Purported Jewish-Spartan Affiliation; - Part III: Kurt A. Raaflaub: Born to Be Wolves? Origins of Roman Imperialism; - T. Corey Brennan: Triumphus in Monte Albano; - William T. Loomis: The Introduction of the Denarius; - Valerie M. Warrior: Evidence in Livy on Roman Policy Prior to War with Antiochus the Great; - Jerry Linderski: Cato Maior in Aetolia; - Judith P. Hallet: The Political Backdrop of Plautus's Casina; - Walter Eder: Republicans and Sinners. X,498 Seiten, gebunden (Oklahoma Series in Classical Culture; Vol. 21/University of Oklahoma Press 1996) textsauber, mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren, Rücken leicht ausgeblichen/clean text pages, minor traces of use, spine slightly discoloured