Things on the Move - Dinge unterwegs
Objects in Early Modern Cultural Transfer. Edited by Ulrike Gleixner and Marília dos Santos Lopez in Collaboration with Lisa Neumann. This volume wants to contribute to the history of material culture in a transcultural perspective. In tracing the physical and cultural trajectories of objects it will add to the greater project of a global history. In various ways, the contributions pursue five perspectives: 1. travelling objects in transcultural interaction between Europe and Asia, Africa or the Americas; 2. the cultural transformation of objects themselves during their travel; 3. objects created in transcultural collaboration; 4. knowledge-making based on widely travelled objects, 5. the perspective of material geography. The contributions deal with commodities of daily use, luxury articles, religious objects and written documents. From the content: Ulinka Rublack: Moving Feathers in the Material Renaissance; - Anna Grasskamp: Korallen unterwegs. Euro-asiatische Netzwerke und die materielle und visuelle Kultur des Buddhismus; - Marilia dos Santos Lopes: »A11 to use«. Circulation and Presence of "Indian Goods" in Early Modern. European Arts and Culture: the Case of the Coconut; - Kim Siebenhoner: Paternoster. Religiose Objekte zwischen Transkulturalitat und Konfessionalisierung; - Benjamin Schmidt: Material Geography. MeiBen and Early Modern Europe’s Production of China; - Michael North: Globale Dinge. Zirkulation im niederlandischen Handelsimperium; - Ulrike Gleixner: Travelling Objects and Protestant Mission in South-East India; - Elizabeth Harding: Eine Konsumrevolution »globaler Dinge«? Provenienzen, Taxonomien und Marketing in frühneuzeitlichen Auktionskatalogen; - Michael Wenzel: Eine Miniatur-Kunstkammer im diplomatischen Geschenkverkehr. Der Gustav Adolf-Schrank in Uppsala als kulturelles Transferobjekt im 17. Jahrhundert. 232 Seiten mit 48 Textabb. und 16 Farbtafeln, gebunden (Wolfenbütteler Forschungen; Band 165/Herzog August Bibliothek in Kommission bei Harrassowitz Verlag 2021) leichte Lagerspuren/minor shelfwear