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Animals: Cultural Identifiers in Ancient Societies?

Animals: Cultural Identifiers in Ancient Societies?

Edited [and with preface] by Joris Peters, George Mcglynn and Veronika Goebel. 25 Beiträge (alle in englischer Sprache, mit deutscher Zusammenfassung) untersuchen anhand von archäologischen, archäozoologischen und schriftlichen Quellen die vielfältige Weise, in der Menschen mit Tieren interagieren. 25 papers of a conference in Munich 2016 deal with a wide range of topics connected to the relation between animals and humans, addressing the multiple ways in which humans interact with animals through the analysis of archaeological, archaeozoological and textual sources: urban Roman pigs in the 1st millenium A.D., animal palaeopathology, early farmers in the southern Caucasus, activity areas at Asiki Höyük, discarding practices amongst 3rd-millenium herders in Chile, bucrania as a social marker in Bronze Age Sudan, animal exploitation at Çukuriçi Höyük in the Neolithic and the Bronze Age, Celtic archaeozoology at Manching, palaeogenetics, camels in cuneiform inscriptions, food production in the Upper Tigris Valley, the Holocene fauna of northern Sudan, Joachim Boessneck's work in Iran, Mongolian horses and their fate, horse cures in Tibetan medicine, the European Hake in Iberia, the diet of caprines in Early Neolithic Anatolia, hunting religion in western Greenland, polled cattle, the taphonomy of a French Neolithic site, Theodoricus Cerviensis' 13th-century Mulomedicina, funeral sacrifices of camel and horse in pre-Islamic south-eastern Arabia, a fish deposit at Oxyrhynchus, the beginnings of cat domestication in eastern and western Asia, as well as the ethnobiology of donkey and camel management on the Afar salt route. 376 Seiten mit 202 Farb- und s/w-Abb. und 61 Tabellen, Großformat, gebunden (Documenta Archaeobiologiae; Vol. 15/Verlag Marie Leidorf 2019) leichte Lagerspuren/near mint

Bestell-Nr.: 58077
Gewicht: 1,80 kg
Sprache: Englisch
Sachgebiete: Agrargeschichte, Bauerntum | Archäologie - Allgemeine und übergreifende Darstellungen | Kulturwissenschaften
ISBN: 9783896466747
Lieferzeit: 2-7 Tage*
statt 59,80 €
19,80 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

* Gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Lieferzeiten für alle anderen Länder finden Sie hier.
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